* Venise - Deluxe edition with book item 3313
* Venise - Deluxe edition with book item 3313

ItemNo: 0585
Medium: Drypoint
Paper: Arches
Image Size: 4.75x3.50 in.
Paper Size: 7x6 in.
Released: 1970
Signed: Yes
Reference: Caillier
Ref. No: 002
Edition Size: 50
Price: $275.00
TOTAL: $290.00
(USA Only)
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Tirage de Luxe, contenant une Pointe-sèche (Drypoint etching) Originale de André HAMBOURG, dont le Tirage a été strictement limité a 50 exemplaires, numérotés Luxe 1 a Luxe 50..Our number is 15/50. Published by Pierre Caillier in 1970 for the book by Michel Droit. Justificatif from the Publisher is included.