Fréderic MENGUY

(1927 - 2007)
Frederic Menguy, born in Paris in 1927 died in 2007, rejoices in life and the essential right of every human being to dream. Frederic Menguy's seventy plus years of dreaming are fortunately dispersed in a legacy of art works unlike any other in the world of contemporary expressionists. His popularity is such that his paintings can be found in galleries and private collections around the globe including the Sketching Room of the National Library of France. When forced to, Menguy classifies himself as being a poetic-expressionist. Over the years he has received many honors and his wondrous paintings continue to enthrall art lovers around the world. "Realty is not my world," says Menguy. "The world of dreams is my reality and my work reflects that world. I live my dreams and keep at peace with the world."